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Our first online seminar now available on YouTube!

Over 140 participants from across Europe tuned in on January 31st to share in our first online seminar.

The seminar, entitled Towards a Healthy Danube, was aimed at sharing information and educating the public and interested stakeholders about the project and its various pathways towards river restoration and biodiversity improvements for the Danube River Basin.

Our panel of scientific experts comprising Helmut Habersack, Marija Smederavac-Lalic, Marcell Szabó-Mészáros, and Sandra de Vries engaged in lively discussion and spoke to the challenges facing the Danube river across their areas of expertise and engaged participants on project plans to address them.

Topics explored included river connectivity and project plans for assessing and mapping river connectivity, biodiversity and monitoring in river ecosystems, nature based solutions in river restoration and the role of citizen science. Also presented were project plans for the comprehensive Restoration Action Plan for the Danube River Basin.

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