Our Team
Project Consortium
DANUBE4all brings together an international consortium of 48 Partners and Associated from academia, research institutions, public organizations/NGOs, and SMEs from 14 European countries.
The consortium forms a unique interdisciplinary partnership that combines expertise in applied natural sciences, governance concerning river pollution and management, social sciences concerning stakeholder engagement and human activity, and economic expertise regarding commercial activity and profitable restoration measures on the river.
Coordinating Institution
DANUBE4all is coordinated by the Institute of Hydraulic Engineering and River Research at University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU). The Centre focuses on research areas and competencies in the fields of renewable energy with sustainable hydropower, integrated flood risk management, the(Eco-)hydraulics, river research, engineering and morphology, and more
BME is a higher education institute based in Budapest, comprising a range of faculties in Engineering, Biotechnology, Natural, and Social Sciences.
DANUBEPARKS is a non-profit association that brings together a network of protected national and nature parks, biosphere and nature reserves across 9 Danube Countries.
GWP Central and Eastern Europe based in Bratislava is an international network of organizations involved in water resources management comprises of 12 Country Water Partnerships in the region.
MaREI is the SFI Centre for Energy, Climate and Marine research at University College Cork. The Centre comprises over 220 researchers focusing on defined global challenges such as the Energy Transition, Climate Action and the Blue Economy.
Odessa I. I. Mechnikov National University is a leading scientific and educational center of modern Ukraine. The university system includes three educational and scientific institutes - mathematics, economics and mechanics, innovative and postgraduate education, social sciences - and 12 faculties (physics, chemistry, geology and geography, biology, philosophy, history, philology, Romano-Germanic philology, economics and law, journalism, advertising and publishing, hydrometeorology and ecology), research laboratories, as well as a library, Paleontological and Zoological museums, Astronomical Observatory, Botanical Garden, Hydrobiological Station.
The university provides training in 20 areas and more than 40 specialties.
The Netherlands
In its research, the Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences at the University of Stirling seeks to understand the processes driving evolution and maintenance of biodiversity, and to predict and mitigate the future impacts of anthropogenic change.
Romania & Hungary
WWF Romania works to protect the wild environment in the Carpathian Mountains and along the Danube.
Centre for Social Innovation is a private non-profit institute for applied social sciences based in Vienna.
In addition to the project's 26 funded partners, the DANUBE4all consortium consists of 22 associated partners from across the whole Danube River Basin. These associated partners (APs) are a very important part of DANUBE4all, as they ensure the translation of the results from science to management, support the inclusion of stakeholders and communities, as well as the further use of the results after the project lifetime.