Our partners have been very active and busy in spreading the work and word of DANUBE4all at events and conferences across Europe. We are delighted to see the impact in our first year. We've put together just some of the events, conferences, webinars, and field trips with a strong DANUBE4all signature.
DANUBE4all Events:
FEBRUARY: Danube4ALL Kick off meeting and study visit. Vienna - Austria (BOKU, all partners)
JUNE: Webinar on Citizen Science Opportunities in River Museums. Online (Pulsaqua, GWP CEE)
NOVEMBER: Free-flow Seminar and Study Visit. Bucharest - Romania (World Fish Migration Foundation)
DECEMBER: Local workshop in Danube Delta. Danube Delta - Romania. (GeoEcoMar, WWF Romania)
Photos courtesy of BOKU and World Fish Migration Foundation
Other Events:
MAY: Earth Observation Workshop (BME)
JUNE: BOKU RiverLab Grand Opening and Public Open Door Day. Vienna – Austria (BOKU)
JUNE: Seminar for Students - International Hydrography Day. Odessa – Ukraine (Odessa State Environmental University)
AUGUST: Vienna Water Conference - special session. Vienna – Austria (BOKU)
OCTOBER: Mission Webinar - The concept of the associated regions. Online (BOKU)
Photos courtesy of BOKU
MAY: European Green Conference. Vodice, Croatia (DANUBE PARKS)
MAY: EUSDR - PA4 Steering Group meeting. Online (GWP CEE)
JUNE: ECRR Webinar. Online (Budapest University of Technology and Economics)
OCTOBER: Slovene Water Congress. Ljubljana - Slovenia (University of Ljubljana)
SEPTEMBER: Symposium Kopački rit. Croatia (DANUBE PARKS)
OCTOBER: DANUBE4all and ICPDR. Vienna –Austria (BOKU)
NOVEMBER: ECRR Webinar. Online (GWP CEE)
Field Activities:
MAY: Field trip with experts from PIANC Inland Navigation Commission. Upper Danube Demo Site, Austria (Viadonau)
JUNE: Danube day - Field trip with school students. Upper Danube Demo Site, Austria (DANUBE PARKS)
JULY: Experts' Field Visit. Upper Demo Site, Austria (BOKU, DANUBE PARKS, Viadonau)
SEPTEMBER: Fieldwork research on citizen science. Bulgaria (Pulsaqua).
OCTOBER: Road trip along the Danube. Germany, Austria, Slovakia, Hungary (Pulsaqua)
Photos courtesy of BOKU and PULSAQUA