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VACANCY: Consultant for Free Flowing Rivers Study as part of DANUBE4all project

An exciting opportunity has presented itself for a relevant consultant/consultancy in the field of environmental science/engineering to undertake a scientific study concerning free-flowing rivers (FFR) in the Danube basin.

The assignment will take place under the direction of DANUBE4all partners World Fish Migration Foundation and Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME)

Job type: Subcontract

Budget: up to sum €30,000 incl. VAT

Location: Remote

Timeline to carry out and deliver the study:  March 1, 2024 – June 2026

Reporting to: Sándor Baranya and Marcell Szabó-Mészáros, BME (Until 1st of June, 2024) and Herman Wanningen, WFMF (from 1st of June to June 2026)

Deadline for application:  February 1, 2024

World Fish Migration Foundation and DANUBE4all project

The World Fish Migration Foundation (WFMF) is a Dutch NGO founded in 2014, which, thanks to its inclusive and cooperative way of working, coordinates an international movement with over 10,000 enthusiasts on rivers and migratory fish. Its mission is to mainstream dam removal as the key tool to bring rivers back to life.

DANUBE4all aims to restore freshwater ecosystems in the Danube River Basin through the development of a comprehensive, scientifically based and practically orientated Restoration Action Plan. The project seeks to address the knowledge gaps, raise awareness, and engage the participation of local people and business actors in the implementation of freshwater ecosystem restoration. In this pursuit, DANUBE4all is an unprecedented co-creation process between scientists, researchers, SMEs, investors, public bodies, policymakers, and local communities.

The project is funded by the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme.


Assignment Description

The successful applicant will support the development of a scientific study concerning free-flowing rivers (FFR) in the Danube basin. A further aim of this assignment is to support the establishment of a connectivity toolbox and the development of a manual on Nature-based solutions.

The study is to be carried out in English language.

The study should address and be developed following three key topics:

1. Definitions, Baselines, and Metrics of FFR

  • Contribute to the project deliverable 2.1 Catalogue of action options to restore connectivity by reviewing the collected project materials and extending it further (i.e., review of existing literature, policies, methods, and frameworks related to free-flowing rivers on a European and global scale)

  • Participation in task development on restoration actions towards free-flowing rivers, such as developing clear definitions, establishing baselines, and proposing relevant metrics for assessing the status of free-flowing rivers in the Danube basin

  • Results required for June 2024

It is expected from the applicants that are aware and base their work on ECOSTAT work on free-flowing rivers definition, and with their proposed concept to assess them. See more information here.

2. Understanding Social and Economic Barriers (in the context of the Danube River Basin)

  • Contribute a socio-economic analysis to identify and understand the barriers hindering the preservation and restoration of free-flowing rivers

  • Propose strategies to address these barriers, fostering social acceptance and sustainable economic practices

  • Results required for June 2024

3. Guidance and Best Practices Implementation

  • Collaborate on the evaluation of connectivity status with project partners on the Danube River basin, focusing on the general conceptualization of temporal connectivity assessment

  • Collaborate with relevant stakeholders to compile and analyse existing guidance and best practices related to the implementation of the free-flowing target outlined in the EU Biodiversity Strategy

  • Contribute to comprehensive set of guidance and best practices tailored to the Danube basin context, facilitating the achievement of the EU Biodiversity Strategy's free-flowing target

  • Development of Citizen Science-based incentives for the restoration of free-flowing rivers

  • Results required for completion date in June 2026

Preliminary results under points 1 and 2 must be delivered as an editable document by the deadline of 1st of June 2024. The completed study must be delivered by the deadline of June 2026. During the development of the study, progress meetings and reports should be prepared by the contractor.



The successful applicant must demonstrate expertise and references in related topics and possess the following:

  • Good knowledge on developments within the topic of free-flowing rivers in accordance with the ECOSTAT definition

  • Good knowledge of riverine conservation and its challenges, as well as a European context and relevant EU nature conservation instruments

  • Proven experience in contributing to scientific projects

  • Scientific publications and proven experience in the specific or a relevant field

  • Expertise in environmental science, or engineering science, biodiversity conservation, and socio-economic analysis. Relevant experience in projects related to free-flowing rivers or similar initiatives will be highly regarded

  • Excellent spoken and written English

  • Experience in river barrier removal (optional)

Terms & Conditions

  • The study must be carried out in prescribed timeframe of the assignment (March 1, 2024 – June 30, 2026)

  • Preliminary results on points 1 and 2 must be presented by June 1, 2024

  • Successful applicant is expected to report to the supervisor and join progress meetings when needed

  • Results of the project will be owned by DANUBE4all. The author retains the right to use the results for publication and teaching but has to mention DANUBE4all and its contributing partners

  • Applications will be reviewed by the following criteria: demonstrated experience, timeline and cost. A three-party jury will review the applications

Interested in applying*?

To apply for the open vacancy, interested individuals or organizations should submit a comprehensive email to


The email should outline the proposed structure of the study (attending to the three key points mentioned above), detailing the methodologies and approaches they intend to employ for the project. It is crucial to clearly articulate how the study will be carried out and developed, aligning with the objectives outlined in the position overview. The timeline for the proposed study should be explicitly presented, taking into consideration the deadlines and milestones specified in the position overview.

Additionally, applicants should provide references that demonstrate their expertise and experience in similar projects. In the case of organizations applying, they may include the CVs of their nominated experts. Finally, the email should include a transparent and competitive pricing proposal for the consultancy services.

Deadline for application submissions is February 1, 2024

*Please note that project partners of the Danube4all consortium are not eligible to apply for this assignment

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